Adjusted Testing Schedule
Dear Parents,
I hope everyone stayed safe during Irma’s visit and enjoyed some family time together these past two days!
The county has communicated that IOWA testing will start THURSDAY to give everyone a day to get back into school routines. So our IOWA testing will be held on Thursday, Friday of this week and Monday and Tuesday of next week. Tomorrow we will be on our regular schedule for lunch and specials. Thursday we will resume our testing schedule. Just as a reminder our testing schedule has us eating lunch at 11:48-12:18 and having specials from 1:20-2:00.
Your children have been so flexible with our schedule and have been working real hard during our testing! I am super proud of them and heard they were wonderful for the sub on Friday when I was out!
Thank you for all you do!
Can’t wait to see your sweet children in the morning!
Mrs. Carlson